Tag Archives: Brad Phenow

CROCT and fat bikes featured in Northfield News/Faribault Daily News

Article on CROCT & fat bikes in the Northfield News, Faribault Daily News

Brad Phenow (@bradphenow), City of Faribault and Rice County Government Reporter for the Faribault Daily News & Northfield News, interviewed CROCT President Marty Larson last week. His article appeared online and in both print editions of the papers on Saturday, supplemented with photos submitted by Marty:

Fat bikes, CROCT keep the wheels turning in Northfield, Rice County.

A couple of excerpts:

It may be a new trend, but fat bikes and places to ride them are beginning to gain traction in Rice County. With a new trail in Northfield’s Sechler Park and trails at Faribault’s River Bend Nature Center, a common sight is starting to emerge: year-round biking.

Marty Larson, who runs Tandem Bagels in Northfield, is no stranger to the bike industry. In fact, for 25 years he has been around bikes, whether it’s in the shops or working on the distributor side of the business. Larson said the options for riding have been minimal the last decade, despite the number of shops in the area.  For Larson, what started as an idea (the new trail) soon became a reality, with support from volunteers and the city of Northfield.