Tag Archives: Caron Park

CROCT’s Caron Park mountain bike trail featured in the July Rice County Report

On page 5 of the July 2016 Rice County Report (“The Official Newsletter of Rice County”) is an article titled:

New Mountain Bike Trail at Caron Park

Rice County Newsletter with Caron Park CROCT article

For background, see our June blog post: Impact of CROCT’s mountain bike trails in Caron Park

Full text of the article here:

Continue reading CROCT’s Caron Park mountain bike trail featured in the July Rice County Report

Impact of CROCT’s mountain bike trails in Caron Park

CROCT board members and Rice County Parks & Facilities staff have recently heard from some citizens who are concerned about our mountain bike trail-building activities in Caron Park. While we are reaching out to these citizens to meet face-to-face, we thought it would help to also address some of the issues here on our blog and invite further comments and discussion from anyone who might be interested.

Rice County logo

Approval to build trails

On August 21, 2014. CROCT Board members Marty Larson, Jeremy Bokman and I met with Jake Rysavy, Rice County Parks & Facilities Director, at his office in Faribault. He expressed support for exploring the possibility of mountain bike trails at Caron Park between Northfield and Faribault and at McCullough Park near Montgomery.

We discussed the public’s support for mountain bike trails in the Rice County Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan 2012-2022:


According to the 2010, Rice County Parks and , 51.4% of survey respondents (or 505 individuals of 972) stated that trails and bikeways are most needed in Rice County. This correlates with the South Regional Recreational Survey completed by the University of Minnesota, which identified 51% of individuals stating they enjoyed walking/hiking and 26% showing they enjoyed biking (biking includes bicycling of all types, including mountain biking).

Trails serve multiple purposes. Trails function as transportation corridors, ecological corridors, opportunities to exercise and enjoy the outdoors, and opportunities to link people to Rice County destination points. Trails provide recreational, social, economic, and environmental benefits which contribute to a community’s overall quality of life.

Question 9 of that survey asked:

Which of the following recreational activities are you or someone in your household interested in participating in (select all that apply):

asdMountain biking received support from 18.7% (194 total) of the Rice County residents who responded. Other activities receiving significant support in the survey included Walking, Walking Dogs, Hiking, and Snowshoeing, all of which can be done on our multi-use trails at Caron Park.

Mr. Rysavy also indicated at this meeting that one side effect of having more people in the park for a multi-use mountain bike trail at Caron Park might be to discourage vandalism and other illegal activities that were too often occurring at the park.

With his permission, CROCT volunteers flagged a proposed route for a trail at Caron Park in the fall of 2014. Over the winter, he informed members of the Rice County Board’s subcommittee for parks about the proposed trail and they expressed their support to him.

On Feb 5, 2015, Marty, Jeremy, and I met with Rice County District 5 Commissioner Jeff Docken about the Caron Park trail and to explore the possibility of another trail in McCullough Park. Mr. Docken was supportive and had no objections.

L to R: Jeff Docken, Marty Larson, Jeremy Bokman

After Marty and Jake Rysavy walked the proposed trail in the spring, he gave CROCT his permission to construct the trail.

On June 8, 2015, over 30 volunteers showed up to construct Phase 1 of the trail (blog post link with more photos):

Volunteers constructed Phase 2 in November (blog post link with more photos):

Impact on nature

Caron Park is a gorgeous natural area but there’s nothing in the Rice County Parks plan that indicates it’s a wilderness park. Our mountain bike trail there is similar to the mountain biking and hiking trails at River Bend Nature Center which are designed to encourage and accommodate human activity in the midst of nature.

CROCT trail segment at Caron Park 4

(The Caron trails are in fact quite a bit narrower and more “natural” than those at RBNC.) CROCT is a chapter of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA), whose Rules of the Trail guide our work. For instance, the Rules instruct riders to never scare animals or deliberately disturb wildlife and to yield the trail to other users such as pedestrians or dog-walkers. We regularly educate CROCT members about these rules.

Unlike the pre-existing trails at Caron, CROCT’s trail was designed to be sustainable and erosion resistant, constructed with a slightly crowned tread on flat terrain or an outsloped tread on sloping terrain. We regularly announce (via social media) closure of the trail when it’s too wet to walk or ride without damaging it.

CROCT trail segment at Caron Park 2

Lastly, while Rice County has not informed us about any protected plant species in the park, a hiking/biking trail can help to protect plants in the park by concentrating visitor ‘trampling’ on the narrow trail.

CROCT trail segment at Caron Park

Pink flags and tape

The pink flags and tape currently visible on the existing trails were placed during trail construction and will be removed by early June. They were left in place over the winter and early spring as a means to help users stay on the trail.

CROCT trail segment at Caron Park 5

The pink flags and tape in the wooded area adjacent to the glacial erratic boulder mark our proposed expansion of the trail in that area to prevent erosion and make that section of the trail more enjoyable to ride/hike than the current trail, which has existed for many years but runs straight up and down the hillside.


Prairie Creek is a DNR-designated protected stream that flows along the north edge of Caron Park, not through it. Here’s a screenshot from the Rice County Beacon map which has a checkbox to tick that shows DNR protected streams and rivers:

Beacon map of Caron Park and Prairie Creek

The MN DNR site has a list (PDF) of public waters for Rice County  (including ‘protected streams’) which lists several ‘unamed’ streams flowing into Prairie Creek.  We contacted Michelle Trager, Rice County GIS Coordinator, to inquire whether the streams in Caron Park are on that list. They aren’t. She wrote:

All of the streams on the protected waters list are in the protected streams layer on Beacon. The intermittent stream that flows through Caron Park is in the “DNR Intermittent Streams” layer under the Water Resources folder on Beacon. So, the unnamed stream that runs through Caron Park to Prairie Creek is not one of the unnamed streams on the protected streams list.

A pedestrian bridge crosses one of the streams in Caron Park (see photo above) and mountain bikers use it to cross over the stream.  In no other segment does the mountain bike trail bring riders close to either stream. And we educate our ridership on the importance of not riding across or in the streams to prevent erosion and sediment disruption.


We’re interested in getting feedback on our response to these concerns and discussing the issues online, phone or face-to-face. Feel free to attach a comment to this blog post or contact us.


CROCT adds a major extension to its MTB trail in Rice County’s Caron Park

Our trail worker volunteers, under the guidance of dirt boss Marty Larson, have added an extension (Loop 2) to our Caron Park MTB trail. It’s now open for riding but since it’s the season of the freeze-thaw cycle, be sure to check the the CROCT conditions Twitter feed @CROCTconditions before you ride.


The flood-destroyed Milltowns Trail bridge continues to give back: Caron Park is the latest beneficiary

The Milltowns Trail bridge along Armstrong Road in Bridgewater Township was destroyed in the July 2013 flood. (See photos of the flood on the Locally Grown Northfield blog.) The wood was salvaged and ultimately donated to CROCT by the Minnesota DNR, thanks to Peter Hark.  Back in May, a crew of CROCT volunteer trail workers fashioned timbers and planks from the bridge into two bridges along our Sechler Park trail.

Last week, CROCT members Todd Amunrud, Kevin Herman, Marty Larson, Michael Lehmkuhl, and Galen Murray fashioned some of those timbers and planks into a bridge along a new segment of our mtb trail in Caron Park.

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park


Fall 2015 trail work schedule, Caron Park

Helllllooo all trail lovers! It’s in the air again. The bugs are low and disappearing. The weeds are dying off. It’s time to get back into the woods and build more trails!

Our Caron Park mtb trail is the prime target right now. We need some volunteers to get out there and rake the existing trail. This can be done by anyone, at anytime, no permission required. If you have an hour, if you have four. Every little bit helps for that!

Scheduled days for trail work:

  • Sundays: 10 am and on
  • Wednesdays: 3pm to dark thirty
  • Fridays: 10 or 11 am and on

This year, instead of meeting in the Caron Park parking lot, mosey down to the creek. We’ll be working on the far side this fall. We’ve made good progress so far, but a little help goes a long ways!

Once Caron is closer to complete, we’ll start in Northfield again on the east side of the River.

Subscribe to updates on our CROCT Facebook page and/or follow our @CROCTmtb Twitter feed for weather updates and tighter time starts as each day approaches!

Photo album: National Trails Day & CROCT membership raffle at Caron Park

CROCT National Trails Day 2015 - Caron Park

Over three dozen trail workers (including 15+ kids) showed up at Rice County’s Caron Park on Saturday (National Trails Day) to work on the first segment of a CROCT mountain bike trail there. The weather was gorgeous and the bugs were non-existent. Under the direction of trail steward and CROCT board prez Marty Larson, the crew worked from 9 am to noon.

The results? Amazing!

CROCT loop 1 Caron Park CROCT loop 1 Caron Park CROCT loop 1 Caron Park

We don’t yet know the mileage on the new intermediate-level segment that we’re currently calling Loop 1, but it’s significant and it’s going to be a blast to ride. (If you stay connected via the CROCT Facebook page, Twitter feed, email newsletter, or Google Group discussion list we’ll alert you when the trail officially is open to ride.)

We broke for lunch and beverages at noon. Milltown Cycles in Faribault donated and served the hot dogs, brats and pop. Bauers Southside Liquor in Faribault donated and served a great selection of beer:

CROCT membership picnic 2015 - Caron Park CROCT membership picnic 2015 - Caron Park CROCT membership picnic 2015 - Caron Park

After lunch, we raffled off some swag donated by Milltown Cycles to CROCT members in attendance. John Ebling and Kevin Keane won helmets and Jeff Kreis won a jersey. Four others got 3-packs of cycling socks:

John Ebling - CROCT membership raffle 2015 - Caron Park Jeff Kreis - CROCT membership raffle 2015 - Caron Park Kevin Keane - CROCT membership raffle 2015 - Caron Park

As part of our spring membership drive, all 65+ CROCT members were eligible for the six $75 gift certificates from the three Rice County bike shops: FIT To Be TRI’d, Mike’s Bikes, and Milltown Cycles.

Trail Steward & CROCT President Marty Larson - CROCT membership raffle 2015 - Caron Park

The winners:

  • Jeffery Gunn, Karl Frischkorn ($75 gift certificates from Mike’s Bikes)
  • David Wolf, Sue Benson ($75 gift certificates from Fit To Be Tri’d)
  • Bill Nelson, Jerry Bilek ($75 gift certificates from Milltown Cycles)

It was especially fitting that Sue Benson was a winner and present with her granddaughter. Her family on her father’s side owned the land that became Caron Park.

Sue Benson - CROCT membership raffle 2015 - Caron Park

The album of 40+ photos:  Continue reading Photo album: National Trails Day & CROCT membership raffle at Caron Park