Tag Archives: CROCT Board

The 2014 CROCT Board debuts

At our April meeting tonight, the people who showed up formed the 2014 CROCT Board of Directors and elected Board officers.  More details forthcoming from our new Secretary, but in the meantime, here’s who’s who:

Carl Arnold, Treasurer
Jeremy Bokman
Sarah Jansen
Scott Koehler
Marty Larson, Chair
Galen Murray
Curtis Ness, Secretary
Griff Wigley, Vice-Chair

2014 CROCT Board officers, L to R: Marty Larson, Griff Wigley, Curtis Ness, Carl Arnold
2014 CROCT Board officers, L to R: Marty Larson, Griff Wigley, Curtis Ness, Carl Arnold

Jeremy Bokman Sarah Jansen Scott Koehler Galen Murray
Other CROCT board members, L to R: Jeremy Bokman, Sarah Jansen, Scott Koehler, Galen Murray