Tag Archives: discussion

Any area mountain biker can join CROCT’s online discussion forum

CROCT started hosting a Google Groups for discussing mountain biking-related issues and news in Rice County, MN last December. We also use the list to coordinate mtb group rides. It’s open to anyone who’s interested in CROCT and mountain biking.

google_groups discussion icon

Here’s a screengrab of the list of topics that have seen discussions recently:

CROCT discussion topics feb 2015


If you’d like to be added to the list, fill out the form here.  The Group is private because A) we insist on using real first and last names; B) I moderate it with an iron fist to insure civility.

Questions? Contact me:

Griff Wigley, Moderator

CROCT launches online discussion via Google Groups

CROCT is now hosting a Google Group for discussing mountain biking-related issues and news in Rice County, MN. We also plan to use the list to coordinate mtb group rides. It’s open to anyone who’s interested in CROCT and mountain biking.

google_groups discussion icon

If you’d like to be added to the list, fill out the form here.  The Group is private because A) we insist on using real first and last names; B) we moderate it with an iron fist to insure civility.

Questions? Contact me:

Griff Wigley, Moderator