Tag Archives: Joe Pahr

For $25 or more, you can become a founding supporter of CROCT, just like Joe Pahr

At the May CROCT Board meeting earlier this week, we voted to establish a small fundraising effort to help pay for the fees for us to become a non-profit and a chapter of IMBA, a total of $570.

Joe Pahr becomes a founding supporter of CROCT

So if you, like Joe Pahr, donate $25 or more before Monday, May 12, you will be considered a “Founding Supporter” of CROCT.

This does not mean that you are a member or that you get anything other than bragging rights. But, we are looking into setting up a Founding Supporter ride and social get-together or some other fun event to show our appreciation.

And to make it easier than finding me downtown Northfield someplace and delivering your contribution in the form of cash or check, we’ve made it easy for you to contribute via credit card.

But act now, because this offer ends at midnight on May 12. Operators are not standing by. Do not call 1-800-DONATE-CROCT.

Update, May 13: the campaign is over! I’ll update the blog with the results Real Soon Now.