Tag Archives: Kevin Herman

The flood-destroyed Milltowns Trail bridge continues to give back: Caron Park is the latest beneficiary

The Milltowns Trail bridge along Armstrong Road in Bridgewater Township was destroyed in the July 2013 flood. (See photos of the flood on the Locally Grown Northfield blog.) The wood was salvaged and ultimately donated to CROCT by the Minnesota DNR, thanks to Peter Hark.  Back in May, a crew of CROCT volunteer trail workers fashioned timbers and planks from the bridge into two bridges along our Sechler Park trail.

Last week, CROCT members Todd Amunrud, Kevin Herman, Marty Larson, Michael Lehmkuhl, and Galen Murray fashioned some of those timbers and planks into a bridge along a new segment of our mtb trail in Caron Park.

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park

CROCT bridge construction at Caron Park


Photo album: first CROCT trail work day at Sechler Park

We had lively and hard-working crew show up at Sechler Park river bottoms for our first ever CROCT trail work last Saturday.  We clipped branches and cleared brush and leaves on a demonstration trail that we plan to show members of the Northfield Parks Board (PRAB) in the next month or so.

CROCT trail work day, Sechler Park, April 19. L to R: Jeremy Bokman, Galen Murray, Marty Larson, Lisa Neitge, Michael Lehmkuhl, Ryan Hutchinson, Kevin Herman, Josh Seifert

Back row, L to R: Jeremy Bokman, Galen Murray, Marty Larson, Lisa Neitge, Michael Lehmkuhl, Ryan Hutchinson, Kevin Herman, Josh Seifert. Front row: Marty and Lisa’s girls.  Not shown: Michael’s wife and two kids who later showed up to help, too.


First meeting of Cannon River Offroad Cycling & Trails (CROCT)

Back row, L to R: Bruce Anderson, Michael Lehmkuhl, Curtis Ness, Scott Koehler, Carl Arnold, Todd Amunrud.  Front row, L to R: Tony Seidl, Sarah Jensen, Marty Larson, Kevin Herman, Griff Wigley
A group of Rice County residents met last night in Northfield and started to form a club called Cannon River Offroad Cycling & Trails (CROCT). Back row, L to R: Bruce Anderson, Michael Lehmkuhl, Curtis Ness, Scott Koehler, Carl Arnold, Todd Amunrud. Front row, L to R: Tony Seidl, Sarah Jensen, Marty Larson, Kevin Herman, Griff Wigley. If you’d like to be involved in helping to organize the club, contact us.