Tag Archives: Tandem Bagels

Fundraiser! CROCT & River Bend Nature Center to host the Jan. 16 Snow Crush Fat Tire Bike Race


We are teaming up with River Bend Nature Center (RBNC) to host the Snow Crush Fat Tire Bike Race this coming Saturday, Jan. 16. It’s a fundraiser for both organizations. RBNC’s Education Coordinator  Kaytlan Moeller & CROCT president Marty Larson teamed up to put the event together:

RBNC Education Coordinator Kaytlan Moeller CROCT board meeting at F-Town Brewing

The Snow Crush poster (PDF) has details on the entire day’s activities:

Snow Crush 2016 poster

Visit the Snow Crush Fat Tire Bike Race page on RBNC’s site to pre-register for some savings. And check the Facebook Snow Crush event page for the latest updates, including a race map and a video from a fat bike group ride last winter.

We’re also thrilled to have these sponsors supporting the race:

F-Town Brewing Co., Milltown Premium Adventure Goods, Tandem Bagels, Stoke Coffee Roasters, 45NRTH, hvh Engage, and Matt Shimon Creative.

Snow Crush 2016 sponsors

F-Town Brewing

Mankato Area Mountain Bikers (MAMB) fundraiser on tap for April 19

On tap, indeed.

MAMB Brewery Fundraiser

The Mankato Area Mountain Bikers (MAMB)  are hosting a fundraiser next month at the Mankato Brewery. “There will be music, beer, food, games, merch, and a raffle with great prizes from local businesses” says the flyer which I printed out and put up yesterday in a few key spots around Northfield. See their Facebook events page for more details. Continue reading Mankato Area Mountain Bikers (MAMB) fundraiser on tap for April 19